Here are two reasons why your firm will profit from sponsoring Global Flying Hospitals
1: Your firm will break free from the crowd
Never before has competition for brand placement and promotion been so tough. It’s expensive… and every moment of every day your competitors are stealing away customers and clients that should be yours.
And never before has an opportunity presented itself that can help you break free of the crowd, get noticed and grow your business.
Join Global Flying Hospitals in an alliance sponsorship and get this:
- Tap new demographics in the humanitarian world, throughout Asia and worldwide.
- Be featured in GFH’s new 60 page full-color magazine, to be distributed at hub airport waiting lounges, starting with Macau and its 8 million passengers, then Hong Kong and beyond.
- Be featured on all GFH marketing collateral, and not simply in brand placement, but in telling your story.
Boost Your CSR and Make You Firm the Customer’s Preferred Choice
Gaining more effective marketing exposure is crucial. Yet imagine the impact your message will have when potential customers see your brand as the one supporting humanitarian medical care. Your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will receive a profound boost and place your firm ahead of your competitors, because it will be recognized as the one that cares, and making it your customer’s preferred choice.
Early Bird – and a World-first
As GFH progresses in building the Logistics Resource, (medical aviation fleet), we can offer you positions on our marketing collateral, through to participation in fund-raising and promotional events. However, if your firm embraces GFH now, by being an early-bird partner, supporter or friend; you’ll be guaranteed a position on the largest flying billboards in the world; the fuselage of the Boeings and Hercules. A world-first! And be featured on the Roll of Honor, onboard each aircraft. Positions are open for in-kind sponsorships, full sponsorships and innovative alliances.
Neill Newton, Founder and Chairman of Global Flying Hospitals, is author of the top selling book: Uniqueness is a Red Striped Zebra. With this new paradigm, GFH will help position your firm ahead of the rest.
Contact GFH at:
2: You’ll create a unique halo affect for your firm
Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill
Sean Blair and Alexander Chernev, 2012 [12-103] Marketing Science Institute
Report Summary
The idea that companies can do well by doing good has for years drawn the attention of managers and researchers. Despite a substantial amount of academic research and market data, little is known about the returns on social goodwill investments. Most prior research has assumed that a company’s socially responsible activities are likely to influence the overall image of the company without necessarily changing consumers’ beliefs of how the company’s products perform.
In this report, Sean Blair and Alexander Chernev provide evidence that a firm’s pro-social activities can have a significant impact not only on consumers’ goodwill toward the firm’s brand, but also on their beliefs about the firm’s products. They test their predictions in a series of four empirical studies.
Their first experiment demonstrates that a product is perceived to perform better when it is made by a socially responsible firm. Participants who were told that a winery donates a portion of its revenues to charity rated the same wine as tasting better than did participants who were not informed of this. They also find that this effect is a function of expertise, such that social goodwill is more likely to influence product perceptions (taste ratings) for nonexperts than for experts.
In a second experiment, they find that this positive effect is a function of consumers’ mindset. Thus, respondents in an abstract mindset believed that a product (running shoe) would be more comfortable when they were aware of the firm’s monetary donations compared to when they were not aware, whereas respondents in a concrete mindset were unaffected by the information about the firm’s social goodwill. The authors suggest this occurs because abstract thinking facilitates creation of higher level associations that relate consumers’ positive impressions of the company to their product beliefs.
A third experiment demonstrates that the positive effect of social goodwill on product performance beliefs is inversely related to the extent to which social goodwill is associated with the product. Thus, the positive impact of social goodwill is greatest when it is unrelated to the product (as in the case of monetary contributions to socially responsible causes) than when it is related to the product (as in the case of investments in socially responsible technologies). This experiment also shows that consumers’ expectations of superior performance translated into greater willingness to pay.
Finally, in a fourth experiment, the researchers find that the benevolent halo effect is a function of consumer beliefs about a firm’s motivation, such that it is attenuated when consumers suspect that the social goodwill is motivated by self-interest.
Managerial implications
These results show that investing in socially responsible causes not only creates goodwill toward the company but also bolsters consumer perceptions of the performance of company products, meaning that doing good can actually translate in doing well. Moreover, the results suggest that to avoid potential compensatory inferences, managers might consider de-emphasizing the link between the social goodwill and the product while emphasizing firm-specific associations. For example, rather than encouraging consumers to think of a product as being environmentally friendly, managers might encourage consumers to focus on the firm’s environmentally friendly image, reflected in its decision to make an environmentally friendly product.
Sean Blair is a Ph.D. candidate, and Alexander Chernev is Associate Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. This research was supported by MSI Research Grant 4-1731.